
Declining Draw Offers

Is it okay to decline a draw offer, or is it just rude?
If you have a totally winning position and your opponent offers a draw, then his offer itself is insulting.
Always decline except if it is a clear draw.
You don't even need to bother with clicking on 'decline', just make your move. There is really nothing wrong with that.
I just love it, when someone loses his knight...rock...bishop...queen...there's really about mate in 5-10 moves. And he goes like: Yooooo you wanna draw dat van? First of all, if you don't respect your opponent you don't respect yourself. Why now? Like all this time you could have won and only now you gave up? So yeah, I decline draw offers all the time. Though if it really is a drawy position, and you like 0.5+ better. It's ok to make it a draw if you respect ur opponent, same as to decline to play it a lil bit more.
This is my experience with draw offers in games here:
* The opponent will almost never agree to a draw offer, even if it's a really boring drawn position no-one of you can win. he interprets your offer as "my opponent thinks he blundered or worse, that's why he offers a draw."
That's why I stopped offering draws, I just let it end with 3 fold repetition or something.
* Many players will try to offer a draw in a totally lost position. Maybe they hope you'll accidentally click "yes".
* I don't accept draws from lower rated opponents in a pretty much open game (opening or middle game), I just lose points. I will however of course accept a draw offer if the game is objectively drawn like in my first example.
Well it is rude if it is a totally drawn position , but if you think you got an advantage then it is okay to decline.
It depends on the position.
Consider the following cases: -
If you are offering a draw:
1) If your position is lost
a) If you have less time
Then: declining your offer by your opponent seems obvious and normal.
b) If you have huge time advantage or your opponent has very less time left and game has not yet reached endgame
Then: He is rude, selfish and unkind.
2) If your game is a kind of draw
Then: He is rude, selfish and unkind as he wants to win such a position from you without knowing that draw is a kind gesture of solidarity in draw positions.
3) If you are winning
a) If you have enough time
Then: First of all you would think why would you offer draw in such scenario. About an year ago, I offered draw as my opponent blundered his queen. In chat box, he messaged *why draw offer? I explained him the same and he said that I was very kind towards him.
b) If you have very less time
Then: Your opponent is rude, selfish and unkind as he wants to run out your time and win on timeout.

Have a nice day
If someone offers you a draw you should first ask yourself why does my opponent think that their position is inferior?

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