
Cry, Carlsen fans!!!

No need to cry. Carlsen is still unbeaten in classical chess and, the classical portion was tied. I'm nobody's fan though. Maybe Ding's because I've been to China for ten months and I love Chinese. 恭喜丁立人
I was sad at first. But I read an article about Ding that made me feel great for him.

I'm not much of an expert but Ding being really good and classical, rapid, and blitz makes me feel like he could overtake Carlsen.
@inmaniac Why being sad? Every great chessplayer will have a tournament, and Ding is indeed a great chessplayer. BUT from that and become WC is not that simple! Look at the field of players, Fabi and Wesley and Naka and you name them are all great players and on a good day they can beat Magnus which they have done! But Magnus is much higher rated and why is that? Because he is the better player so in order to overtake Magnus Ding will have to win tournament after tournament and beat Magnus in a match, the day he does that he has overtaken Magnus, but untill that happens he will be second to Magnus. But hat off for Ding he has played a super tournament this time. A WC match between Magnus and Ding will be exiting no doubt about that and what I will look forward to!
I agree with Sarg0n.
The intention of the poster is unclear.

I guess some people aren't very good at communicating.
I hope that OP can learn from this and do better in the future.


On a more productive note, I think the SLCC announcers did a great job pointing out the imbalances/enterprising play of the GMs. Hopefully the audience is now better equipped to better decide which draws they will complain about, and which draws they will congratulate and give due respect.

I thought Maxime played the most enterprisingly, and Magnus played the second most enterprisingly.
But that's very tough to call over that many rounds (degree/frequency).
Who knows.

The tournament was wild. The drinks and fun to cap it off was a good idea too.
@Onyx_Chess and @Sarg0n Obviously it is trolling... Not a great thing when made for stranges, but any community to joke each other show proximity, like two brothers or high school classmates, or even chess club mates..

Yeah I think this thread was trolling but honestly I wanted to comment on this topic. ha. :)

@ErikSkov I shouldn't have used the word 'sad'. It was more of a slight disappointment.

I was reading an article earlier (linked below). But I think the thing that made this tournament stand out and the reason I feel like Ding is someone to watch out for is that he beat Magnus in a Blitz match. Naka is the best blitz player but he is not currently in the top 10 for classical. Fabi is a great classical player and great at blitz and rapid, but not at the top in blitz. So in a tie breaker Carlsen has a clear edge against any other classical player because he is also great in speed chess. To beat Carlsen you have to be at the top in both classical, rapid, and blitz. In this tournament Ding was there. Ding beat him in a blitz match. That's new.

Here is the article:
Here is an excerpt: "For starters, Carlsen hadn't lost a single playoff since his Candidates' match with Levon Aronian in 2007. Since then he played 10 tiebreaks, and won all 10."

So this is a new development. If I am understanding this correctly, Ding did someone no one else could do since 2007.

But this just makes for exciting chess. :) Its good times.
@inmaniac You are right about Ding! He has just done something no one else has done for more than ten years! The interesting thing is will Ding stay on top from now on or was this a peak performance that will not be repeted or is he simply on his way to become WC? Other players through history have done the same as Ding but they never became WC because it requires more than a single win to be the top Dog. I am personally looking forward to see if Ding will be the challenger next year to Magnus, what a match it could be!!!

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