
ChessTalk Discord Server

Hello lichess! I run an active discord server called ChessTalk, where we discuss all things related to chess! We have tons of channels for different discussions.

The main focus of this server is to create a community in which playing chess is encouraged, to grow both individual ability, and the community of online chess.

For more information about ChessTalk, go to

To join the server on discord, go to

Hope to see you soon!
This is an instant invite you might want to make a permanent one people can't join
What do you mean by permanent invite? The link that I posted on this post will not expire.
It says it has expired already when I try to join
That is probably because your IP is banned from ChessTalk.

The invite works, you are just trying to hurt us because you were banned. Stop.
I don't recall being banned from "chesstalk" lol

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