
Chessable video courses

Hello I have several opening courses by Sam Shankland and the Caro Kann course. The video courses are incredibly expensive but I was wondering if someone else bought them? And what there experience is. Is it worth the money?
Thanks Cjquizzer
under the courses there are always some reviews available. you might want to check them out, before you buy the full course.
Yea I never thought about that.. Have you bought some video courses
I bought 1 video course recently, though not the Sam Shankland course (1... b6 against everything by Lawrence Trent).

I’d say the video courses are worth it. It’s like paying for a lesson with a chess teacher. In the 1. b6 course, there are sprinkles of additional information about lines that are not mentioned in the text.

It offers a more complete experience, combining passive learning with active learning. (Passive meaning, just watching a video, vs active learning (reading the chapters, practicing the lines).

For me one advantage is sometimes, when I’m tired, I don’t really have the energy to sit there and drill lines. It’s far more convenient to just turn on the video and watch, still getting some information while relaxing.
I have a busy schedule and I think it would be easier to learn with the video course so I am heavily considering it...
Thanks so much for your input I really appreciate it..
@cjquizzer said in #1:
Is it worth the money?

no. it does add to the feeling that you are learning something but it aint much. it is like watching a video on youtube about some opening, it can be educational but without you playing those moves on the board and learning them it aint of much use.
if it is a good course everything important will be in the text form. if that is not the case then it is definitly not worth it to support people like that.

if you still want to buy it then at least refund it eventualy

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