
Chess Opening Analogies to Hearthstone Classes

Caro Kann - Control Warrior. Does nothing except try to react to opponents threats until reaching a slightly better endgame.

Benoni - Reno/HandLock. Looks like your opponent is simply getting himself killed when suddenly a series of unexpected twists of fate turn the tables completely.

1.e4 e5 2.Qh5 Nc6 3. Bc4 -> Inner Fire Priest. Doesn't normally work, but when it does it's glorious.

Ruy Lopez -> Midrange Paladin. Solid. Stronk. Nothing wrecks it.

Colle System -> Face Hunter. Ignore opponent. Put Knight/Highmane on e5. Set up mating net/Kill Command. Mate/Smorc. Fun and interactive.

Najdorf Sicilian -> Razakus Priest. If you have the opening knowldge/cards to play this then you're probably pretty experienced at the game.

Slav Defense -> Miracle Rogue. A demanding deck/opening that severely punishes misplays/blunders but is consistently good at high levels. And the zillions of black queenside passers sort of resemble the deluge of obnoxious Rogue spells once Auctioneer hits the board.

Being given rook odds -> Jade Druid.


Kings Gambit -> Pirate Warrior - If the other guy survives the opening, you probably lost.

This guys opening is literally constructed. 12 wins for sure.
(reminds me of Svidler on So in some old Sinquefieldcup I think: (after So scored 11 draws) "He has the chance to go 12-1 which how every Arena player knows is a very decent score.")
I don't play hearthstone but is their a version of these chess opening analogies to Clash Royale?

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