
Chess Engine Analysis

I'm looking for a chess engine for my game analysis (after the game of course).
I do understand quite a bit about chess engines. I know that just about all of them are tactical beasts that are unmatched by any human player. What I'm looking for is a chess engine that does not necessarily give the best moves, but gives the best moves for practical attacking chances. I want a chess engine that will suggest sacs and relentlessly go after the king. While of course analyzing games at a 2600+ GM level. BTW, yes I do understand that an engines elo rating is only engine v. engine and has no correlation to FIDE.

Top three engines as of 10/8/17
(All engines and ratings are from the CCRL 40/40 Rating List):


Current dev version is rated at 3414. It's best in finding deep, long term weaknesses and shines in the endgame.

Version 11.2 is rated at 3396. Has the most accurate opening evaluations and plays the best positional chess.

Version 6 is rated at 3385. Best at finding fast tactics and can defend a position relentlessly.

Now of course these engines are far better than any GM and it shouldn't matter which one of these you choose as in most positions they'll give the same top 3 answers in different orders. All these engines will give the same error suggestions below 2400 level and are far strong enough for 99% of players. Most people lean towards Stockfish because it's free. Komodo and Houdini are both commercial thus you have to pay for the strongest versions. Weaker versions of both engines are available for free.
I plan to use either one of these for kibitzing my analysis engine.

An example of the type of engine I wish to use for analysis are these engine:
(From the same CCRL 40/40 list as of 10/8/17)

*Deep Junior 13:
Rated at 3034. Known for it's tendency to sacrifice material. Held former World Champion Garry Kasparov to a 3-3 Draw. (If Kasparov can't beat it I'm sure it's strong enough for me.)

*Zappa ll Mexico:
Rated at 2974. I cannot seem to find this engine anywhere. I heard of a personality called "Dissident Aggressor" that I would love to try out. I hear the personality makes the actual engine playing strength drop significantly, though how far I am not sure. I'm sure it still plays at 2700 level. Any insight on this engine would be greatly appreciated.

*Komodo 1.0:
Rated at 2866. I've heard about the "Komodo Kinghunter" personality that makes the engine play super aggressive. I've also heard that the parameters only work for this version of Komodo. If anyone knows, or knows where to find these exact parameters, this will be greatly appreciated.

*Chess Tiger 2007:
Rated at 2704. I hear this engine loves sacing material like Deep Junior although it's not as strong. I do not think access to this engine is available anymore as I've tried multiple sources but ending up with nothing. I'm not very interested in this engine as there are stronger engines with the same "style" that are stronger and are available or at least a lot easier to attain.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
What's wrong with the options you already found ?

You mention free engines ; are you willing to pay for what you look for ?

Are you willing/able to tinker with the code yourself ? "Practical attacking chances" sounds like something you can encode (and optimize for) with a stockfish-level-of-play and some heuristics like "in 10% of plies, opp will play second best move instead of absolute best".
@lecw Nothing is wrong with them. Just looking for an extra opinion as I'm sure there are people who are more knowledgeable about chess engines.

@MoistvonLipwig I have Deep Junior Yokohama. Do you know if the difference between that and version 13?

@BigGreenShrek Thank you! I found that very interesting. Do the parameters work for the stronger version? Also, I've been having trouble adjusting the parameters. In the link you posted, the user is using Arena version 3.5. My version is 3.5.1 which has differences in the layout in the parameters section. I've tried to download version 3.5 but it looks the same as 3.5.1. I'm not sure what to do.
@Paranigmadox The parameters given there are for the newer version, which may be why they're different. (I've never messed with engine settings, so I don't know.)

Also, it seems the link to the shredderchess website no longer works, and Zappa has been removed from their product page. Perhaps you could email the author and try to negotiate a purchase. It's rather old so I imagine you could get it cheaply, or perhaps freely.

Finally, I think Deep Junior Yokohama is an update of Deep Junior 13.

Good luck with this. Please post an update if you manage to get an engine playing like Tal.
good old days:

glaurung, zappa, old fritz, old chessmasters, chesstiger, naum.

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