
Carlsen-Nakamura match about to start (Fischer Random 2018)

I thought we deserve to give more attention to this.

Carlsen and Nakamura will be playing the Chess960 Unofficial World Championship, 9-13 February, at 17:00 CET.

So the first game should start in just one hour. Official site (below) says live stream will be available. (Thank you, @mdinnerspace ) If anybody has more information on how to follow, that's appreciated.
Live right now on

with Anna Rudolf and Yasser Seirawan.
Since Carlsen is playing we will even have Sesse analysis.
First game is over and is a draw. They got starting position 42 (NNQRBBKR) and Carlsen played 1.c4, which is the 8th choice by lichess users according to database, but a top move for the engine.

There's still a lot to explore in 960. They also played many unexpected moves. I'm looking forward to fireworks in the next games.
Same position for game 2. Change colors.
No doubt their 2nds and SF are pounding the cement for an hour.
2nd game will be a team effort, as well for games 4,6,8.
A draw, but unfortunately a dull one.

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