
Can mods break into your accounts?

So this happened.
A few months back, I used to organise team battles on the horsey variant ( where each player has 15 knights). I used to organise them every alternate sunday, and they were fun. A mod played the first tournament, and he seemed to love the variant. But after a few tournaments, I felt that the variant was kind of drawish, and I lost my interest.
One sunday, I had organised the tournament, and added only a few teams. I, honestly, didnt care about the tournament, so i didnt come online.
The mod kept messaging me to add more teams, but I wasnt online, so I didnt read them.
When I came onlone, nearly 6 hours after the tournament had started, I saw that nearly 25 teams were added in the battle! I was shocked. Although I really like that mod and respect him, and I am sure that he would have done nothing wrong with my account, but all mods may not be like him, u know.
Are mods able to control ur account?
Can they break into ur accounts, without ur permission?
At the end of the day, Lichess *has* the password of your account, because you have registered on their website which keeps track of your account.
You may have saved your password.
A hacker pretending to be a mod. (Lol)
You may have given the account password to someone.
Sometimes, even I forget my password, so the last option isnt a possibilty.
And that guy is a well known mod
#5 OR simply mods can control what happens in tourneys ;)
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@Lin-1370 Why would a hacker hack in my account and add teams in a team battle? I am sure it was that mod, but I am also sure he would have done nothing wrong. But all mods are not like him, u know.

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