
can lichess accounts last for ever like 10-20 years?

It could, but with war with China and the virus situation, 10-20 years is certainly forever. Things are moving too fast.
War with China? Did we stop buying their toys? Everything in the U.S. is made in China. The U.S. and China are not going to war, lelz.
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@Rookitiki said in #25:
> lichess will never be dead, coz its free.
> it will be hard to upstage a free chess site like this. keep in mind its already better than chess .com in many regards (banning cheaters for example). i think you underestimate how dedicated they were to get to this point. if they keep improving the site at this steady pace i dont see how one would easily overtake them with a free model.
But everything is going on, people code new things and the internet gets better. There will be one day that a person codes something that thibault maybe never dreamed of and he will make his own chess website better than others before
the younger you are,
the better 10-20 years approximates 'forever'.

will the internet exist in the current form in 10-20 years?
I doubt it.

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