
Broke 2500 Puzzle Rating

Wow! Excellent work! Have you practised a lot? Has it affected your gameplay positively?
What about me? I gave you a thumbs up!! You appreciated that didn't you?

what about me?
@KingRod said in #1:
> I've surpassed the 2500 barrier. I am becoming unstoppable.
congrats, ur goal is my level next, I spent over 10 hours getting that puzzle rating.
I am but a tadpole compared to you

Taking my time seemed to help as obvious as it sounds. What really helps is becoming familiar with the tactics, and that requires experience; nothing much we can do there.
@romy06 said in #8:
> Cool, You have any tips for us @KingRod ?

General advice: Avoid frustration, anger, tiredness, overconfidence, and laziness.

Don't do puzzles for hours straight. One way to accomplish this is by stopping on scores you like (I would stop at 2112, or any 2x12, or 2468, or 2516 - two perfect squares, etc)

If the puzzle of the day isn't mate, maybe play it unrated.
-60 just isn't fun.

Come up with a checklist (which I still haven't done). One list item is: if you're not putting him in check, make sure he can't put you in check and completely ruin your awesome plan.

If two moves both seem good, remember, one of them is bad. (Except a recent puzzle of the day - training/q3BMk, if your final move is Bf8 you're still +9.8. But this is rare).

Pawn endgames can take a lot of work at higher levels. But your pawn endgame will vastly improve. Try different moves with Stockfish after you've done the puzzle. You'll eventually start to see patterns and rules. One rule: If two pass pawns are on the same rank, and the number of squares separating them is greater or equal to the number of squares ahead of them (number of moves to queen) then the king can't stop both.

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