
Bot error message

How do I solve this:
There appears to be a syntax problem with your config.yml
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 351, in <module>
CONFIG = load_config(args.config or "./config.yml")
File "C:\Users\UrimThummim\Desktop\Lichess bots\Twenty-FirstCentury\v678\src\", line 13, in load_config
raise err
File "C:\Users\UrimThummim\Desktop\Lichess bots\Twenty-FirstCentury\v678\src\", line 10, in load_config
config = yaml.load(file_stream, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
AttributeError: module 'yaml' has no attribute 'FullLoader'
It looks like there is something wrong with the file. Sorry, I don't know how to help.
Yes, @PolyBOT and @SwitchBOT, but I recently switched from Windows to Linux and I need to make some adjustments before I can use them again.
You need to update the PyYAML package to use my fork. ;)

Do so with: "pip install --upgrade PyYAML"

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