
IM Minh Le Obliterates a Titled Arena while Soccer Slowly Fades into Obscurity

i was thinking it was ironic or something and that was why you wrote it
@LucMerguez said in #75:
> "The word "soccer" was used in this article instead of "football." This is because the word "soccer" is the correct one to describe the sport, in comparison to the word "football," which would be wrong."
> No, dear editor !
> In the whole world, everybody speaks about football except for some people in United States of America...that are not especially fond of , nor good at it, by the way. So football it is ! according to that, yeah no
Instead of arguing for one over the other (though no doubt most agree on "football"), I think we can just say that the US uses "soccer," and the rest of the world uses "football." There is no "correct" term, depending on where you live, no matter how much the word, "soccer" doesn't make sense to you. Does that sound good?
The US also has something called kick ball. Which is like baseball except you kick the ball when you are "at bat".

It seems our us ancestors just wanted to say Screw You to any Englanders. I wonder why. When it came to sports names they just weren't going to play ball.

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