
"I used to win these tournaments without too much sweat, not anymore"

#64 I just said his streams are funny! Do you mean #40?
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@NoJoke has got it wrong. He wrote 'The title is a quote from GM Magnus Carlsen during a livestream of his victory in the April 2021 Lichess Bullet Titled Arena. Carlsen used a more traditional opening strategy than in his last Titled Arena and had a better result. The event was close fought right up until the end, with 3 players, including Carlsen, GM Andrew Tang, and IM Toivo Keinänen taking the lead at least briefly in the last 30 minutes. Tang and Keinänen finished in 2nd and 3rd respectively. ' When you click GM Magnus Carlsen, it leads you to @drgrekenstein 's profile. The real one in @drnykterstein not @drgrekenstein.
@Dirk41 I agree that (@)Fritzi2003 should play but why are you thinking female titled players shouldn't be allowed to play?

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