
Titled Arena Announcement

Separate women's prizes is demeaning and sexist. Just put that prize fund into the same pot. We don't care if someone is born with a vagina or not, we care if they are good enough to win the prize at chess. Let's get out of the 1960s...
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Well I'm just a dumb 1600 player but I believe a couple reasons could be bullet games make for a shorter tournament in whole, which may be attractive to a lot of "busy body" GMs. Another may be that it is harder to cheat in bullet games. Many of us might think why the hell would a titled player cheat? Though some do and since there's not only money on the table but reputation it may grant them more security in participating. Its also exciting to an audience with shorter attention spans.
Jerry will almost certainly stream if Carlsen is playing. Do note he didn't stream the last titled though he did play in it. Which was super cool.
Will Carlsen take his place in first or is alireza going to stay the new lichess titled champ. Personally I want to see Andrew in first. He seems to be slacking from the usual competition offered in the past titled arenas.
@lovlas planning his surprise attack to blow the competition away! Hopefully everything goes smoothly and you will be able to play and monitor at the same time.
Alireza was quite the routy one in the chat last time

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