
Play on Lichess using a DGT board

This is neat. It's a little complicated to get up and running, but still neat.
useless when having to move for your opponent.. still waiting for some magnet pieces that move on their own. you can very well just play a move on a real board and then click in no need for this software
This is great, but DGT boards are SO expensive. I doubt that this will be popular.
#69, your opponent makes their move on their decice, and then you have to make the move on your board. (I think) It seems that you don't have to have your opponents pieces set up if you have the board plugged into the compiter.
The audio of the video along with that music is so bad, I stopped watching after ten seconds.
I got my dgt this monday, just in time, everything is working great, great job, thank you!

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