

Would love to hear that this is Carlsen becouse I played him :)
#3 You can choose any country to display on your account
We can only guess...
I am very very curious , but...
Who is Galbijjim? Who is GM TheWarning?

We have to respect their wish to remain Anonymous.
Maybe they don't wish so. Just don't brag about who are they. We can always investigate, it is fine.

There is TATA STEEL in Netherlands, Carlsen likes to play with his usernames, maybe he chose the country that he is right now for fun?

What other player does such things?
The nickname seems to have some similarity with "DonneytheDonkey" and "DrDrunkenstein". Who can it be?
Andrew Tang's score against Toivok in ultra is 55,5/31,5 = 1,7619047619047619047619047619048.
BehaardTheBonobo's score against Toivok is 32/12 =
The ratio is: 1/1,5135135135135135135135135135135.
Which seems to be 72 rating points difference.

Behaard got absolutely crushed by John Bartholomew in one of the bullet arenas he posted, but obviously he's 200x faster. I suspect that he's 2300-2400 strength, not any secret super-GM.
#8 I completly forgotten. I even watched that video on youtube before. But still who knows, maybe Magnus had worse day and John can be really really strong sometimes. He never gets worse positions against Andrew, only does not keep up on time and is not able to flag that well. But that reminder of games with John they almost wiped out the idea that this might be Carlsen. Who knows though, he's got 3000 ultra which seems to be a bit of a mental disease... xD

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