
Automatic courtesy

Now I will have to type GG and WP instead of clicking good game and well played tabs to show I genuinely mean those,so that my opponent doesnt think I am using a script to not sound salty... xD
interesting feature. should be activated automatically for users known to have a bad behaviour.
but I won't activate it myself, because if I do not chose to be polite, especially when it is hard to be, I don't see the point. (I'm not a machine)
thanks for updating my belief about "gg" after a win. didn't figure that the only way to be nice was to stay quiet.
thanks for your hard work.
Also it would be funny if somebody who had turned this script on gets salty ..

Good Game
Well Played
The *&*^^ you doing you idiot you were losing lol
Learn some chess instead of winning on a blunder you loser
A cool feature would be to automatically add before the game "Hello! Good luck" and after the game "Well played. Thank you for the game" message to players who were reported or chat blocked for bad language, taunts and the like.
Uh oh, i nearly always say good game well played, even if i won
Also is it really good manners if u are doing it automatically? surely u have to do it yourself for it to properly be kind?
Was thinking saying good game after winning too was good manners,no wonder someone called me an...
There is definately a place for improvement in courtesy. Players who chose not to be polite shouldn't be allowed to play. There are always problems with them.

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