
Aswer - account closed

He should be able to get it back then. I think I've heard of people accidently closing their account and getting it reactivated. Still strange that someone would log into his account just to close it. Not a very funny practical joke.
Maybe it's time for 2 step verification and strong password requirements?
no, he didn't closed his account, no cheater label on it
see his letter above
Two options.
1) Somebody else closed it after gaining access to his password.
2) He was caught cheating.
all cheater accounts - alive with cheat mark
his - simply disappeared(

Aswer didn't close his account, no cheater label on it
see his letter above
Vlad_Prostacho I am Aswer. This is my 2nd account. I did not close my account myself. Maybe I was hacked - this post from the rapid tournament . the author has the mark of the deceiver
The engine mark stops showing when an account is closed, it simply says this account is closed after that when you hover your mouse over their name.

I have seen many flagged players close their account and lose the mark.

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