
Ask me any chess question?

Hello lichess community. I am making this forum for all those who were struggling with specific things in chess.

I am going to make the study here for the questions.

Eg questions.

How can I see more tactics in chess?
What is the Strategical plan here?
What is a good opening for me?
What chess books should I read?
How should I improve my rating?

If you want me to analyze game, I've got a different forum for that.
@chessanalyst: I am sure that is something you can google and find out rather quickly. But I copy and pasted your question into google and here you go.

Garry Kasparov, in full Garri Kimovich Kasparov, original name Garri Weinstein or Harry Weinstein (born April 13, 1963, Baku, Azerbaijan, U.S.S.R.) Russian chess master who became the world chess champion in 1985.
What are the point of queenside attacks when the opponent's King is on the kingside?
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