
Are higher rated players having more luck?

I think yes, because you expect less blunders of higher rated players and therefore you will miss them - of course not always but more often. There were some games, where I blundered a full piece against strong players, who spent 10 seconds or more on their next move missing it. In the next game I was the lower rated player myself and completely missed the hanging piece.

My move 14.Bg2?? was with hindsight a "lucky counter-blunder". but even after 14...Qd7?? I needed over 15 seconds to finally "see" the hanging piece on h3.

I think this happens on all levels no matter if it is 2300 against 2500 or 1700 against 1900.

Maybe I should use Zen mode more often :o/
I have noticed that too. However, I wouldn't use zen mode as it can sometimes be useful to know the rating of your opponent especially in fast time formats.
Not actually 'luck', but when someone gets paired with higher rated players, a psychological impact takes place in their mind which causes them to blunder more than usual against higher rated players and hence miss out on opponent's mistakes.
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@oberschlumpf , can't firmly tell that they have more luck, but definitely, some luck, also it depends on everyone's play in a particular game.
I dont know about titled players, but non titled players like me often panic when we get paired with a titled player, no matter whether his/her rating is 2900 or 1900
Seems that from this forum, higher rated players are more concerned about their rating.
I actually sat there just now for several seconds, going, "What's he talking about? Where's the hang?" :D

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