
Analysis of Lichess' cheating detection with Machine Learning (ML) - a mis-use of ML & doesn't work

I firmly believe that methods of catching cheaters and statistics of catching cheaters should never be discussed publicly. Anything like that is just counter productive and doesn't help the process and could effectively just help cheaters cheat.

In the end.. it's up to individual users if they feel comfortable with a server and how it fights cheating. If you don't trust Lichess' methods, go somewhere else.

PS: I don't think that cheating is quite the problem people believe it is, and all large chess servers are more than good at catching the few cheaters there are.

So you don't pretend to be experienced at spotting smart cheaters? We'll see:

"Schon mal vorab: wir haben rausgefunden wo und wann er betrogen hat und Lichess geht grundsätzlich seriös vor"
english translation: "First of all: we found out where and when he cheated and Lichess is basically acting seriously"

That's what Cedur216 said in a comment beneath a YouTube video.

And another lie from you!
I'm not going to respond to most of it because I really don't think it's all that interesting, nor do I think it should be publicly discussed.

But this one caught my eye and strikes me as amusing:

@IrwinCaladinResearch said in #1:
> a false-positive rate that is somewhere between 1-2% every month.

"percentage per month"? Really? Not percentage per hour, per week, per year, but per month?

Ik heb Cedur216 zonder enige twijfel bewezen dat hij liegt. Dat je me een duim omlaag geeft, laat me zien hoe kinderachtig je reactie is.
@odoaker2015 said in #35:
> @Molurus
> Ik heb Cedur216 zonder enige twijfel bewezen dat hij liegt. Dat je me een duim omlaag geeft, laat me zien hoe kinderachtig je reactie is.

Please take your personal vendettas to personal messages or somewhere else where the light doesn't shine. No one gives a sh*t.
@Molurus said in #36:
> Please take your personal vendettas to personal messages or somewhere else where the light doesn't shine. No one gives a sh*t.

Yes, apparently you! Otherwise you wouldn't have written this. And this time I didn't start. Cedur216 replied to my post first and not the other way around. And I was just responding to his lie and proving beyond a reasonable doubt that he was lying.
I can't stand it when someone lies. And I just take the liberty to intervene. Everyone who encounters a lie should do this.

It is a duty!
@odoaker2015 said in #39:
> @Molurus
> I can't stand it when someone lies. And I just take the liberty to intervene. Everyone who encounters a lie should do this.
> It is a duty!

And to make sure... this cartoon is sarcasm. It is intended to illustrate how silly you are being.

Now please, for once, try to be on topic, not on person. No one cares for your ad homs. (Or just be silent, that'll work too.)

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