
Alternative to Arena

Hi guys
I've been using Arena for a couple of months, but it appears to have developed a bit of a bug which doesn't appear to have a solution, so I'd like to ask if there is a better GUI out there, preferably one that lists the top three or so moves, in order of rating. Arena only gives the best move depending on search depth.
@Doug2608 Best move? Are you talking about Analysis? Arenas are tournaments, and the top three games are shown, not moves.
Arena cannot search best moves! But the analysis can search the best 5 moves!
Ah yes - bit of confusion there :) I didn't even know Arena Tournaments existed until I just looked!
Yes, I'm talking about the GUI here, which, when analysing, gives the single best move only depending on search depth. Is there a GUI that gives the best 3 or so moves? Pretty sure I've seen mention of such a beast somwhere.
@Doug2608 In the analysis board, can't you go to the menu at the bottom right (3 lines) and click "multiple lines" to get different variations
"@Doug2608 In the analysis board, can't you go to the menu at the bottom right (3 lines) and click "multiple lines" to get different variations"

In Arena? There is no analysis board in Arena as such, as far as I'm aware. There's just the board, and you choose to analyse or not. I'm not aware of a menu bottom right. I'd paste a screen dump if I could 😊
Arena can show multi PV ( 3 lines or 20 lines). Multi PV is weakening enging a lot by sharing resources and 3 MPV means Stockfish use only 33% in each lines.

Arena can show additional analysis windows too. ( right click on analysis output then choose it)

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