
After you lose, respect your opponent and say either good game or well played.

Anytime I lose, I click: well played and thank you. Every time I lose! I respect my opponents time and efforts enough to always thank them for the game. After most wins, however, I notice opponents slink off immediately without a word. Grow up and thank your victor lest you remain stagnant and ill-mannered!
Pretty strong opinion. Let's go a step further and point out every good move.
Well I'd start by asking people to not log off when their position is lost, instead of resigning and respecting people's time. Currently already this is a big ask it seems.
It would be nice if, when finished, clicking thank you or good game happened regularly. This is not a strong opinion, it's merely chess etiquette. And who wants to read weak opinions anyhow? Have you ever finished a live game without the final handshake? Playing online shouldn't remove chess etiquette. impso
I want to win against @attrix to personally witness his noble and well mannered reaction. There are players who do not like to lose!
I personally am happy as long as my opponent does not wait for the clock to run out instead of resigning and does not blunder and then get angry when I refuse to grant a takeback.
This is trash. Don't expect your opponent to message you after winning. Most people don't chat at all during games and that's perfectly fine. I prefer that over my opponent saying "good game" after I beat him.
@Attrix IRL, I prefer to not shake hands due to wish of not wanting to spread germs. (not germaphobia) Instead of enforcing bad manners under the guise of chess etiquette, maybe you should take a more rational approach.
Sometimes saying thanks to your opponent after they lose can offend them, they might think that you're thanking them for giving a rating
I would totally agree with this topic. Even if you don't speak your opponent's language you would still say thank you in your language.

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