
Ability to hide opponents elo? If possible, is it good or bad choice?

I sometimes encounter situations that much more higher rated opponent blunders a piece. Sometimes after this, they go for higher gear and find some great aggressive moves. This whole situation might make me nervous enough to lose the game eventually. I think many games could have ended differently if I haven't become so nervous and blunder that way.

Is there even possibility at lichess just to hide your opponent elo when playing and if there is, is it wise choice? After all, you should propably learn just play your own game, even if there is some titled master on the other side.
Hello! You can switch on Zen mode in Preferences>Game display.
Zen mode prevents you from seeing your opponents rating but is also prevents you from doing many other things
It has been requested that there to be an option that hides the rating and nothing else
Yeah, I tried zen but didn't quite like it. Ability to hide only elo would be great.
I've been wanting this for a long time, too. Since Lichess doesn't (yet :-) support it natively it needs to be a browser extension. Being a backend engineer JavaScript isn't exactly my area of expertise, but this weekend I finally gave it a shot. Here's the current Firefox extension prototype:

It would be great if someone (the more the better) could test it. I'm also happy about code feedback.

It's not packaged yet, so you need to install it like this:

1. Click the green button on GitHub and download it as a ZIP.
2. Unzip somewhere.
3. In Firefox, type about:debugging, click the button at the top to load the extension temporarily, and specify the manifest.json file unzipped in step 2.

The extension will allow you to accept or post a challenge and play a game without ever seeing the opponent's rating. In contrast to some existing extensions it also works for the seek list. It doesn't affect profile pages, so you can still see ratings there. To turn it off again, unload it from the about:debugging page.

I plan to add options so it can be toggled on and off. And I think it should be easy to port it to Chrome.

Any other suggestions are welcome, with the caveat that I might not have time to implement stuff myself.
Someone on some other post suggested a the strategic use of black PVC electrical tape to hide oppo's ELO (Glicko2?)

I like the caveman aspect of this :)


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