
winning with the bongcloud

Okay, after reading this forum I just had to try the bongcloud. My favorite moment is when the opponent loses 10 seconds due to shock haha.

Did i do it "right"?

(I know it was a horrible game, but bullet is basically just time so...)
@Supersanic Yet again, this is the application of Bongcloud theory to the Hammerschlag. The bongcloud is 1. e4 e5 2. Ke2. The Hammerschlag/fried fox/pork chop/tumbleweed/baby bird opening is 1. f3 e5 2. Kf2. The theory is very different.

In fact, I am considering creating a team to discuss the theory of the Hammerschlag in order to preserve the knowledge of the correct way to play it. Would anyone be interested?
While I am here and berating people for confusing the two openings, you guys would probably enjoy this game I had. I count any game against a titled player lasting more than 20 moves as a win.

Haha this one he paused for seven seconds after I moved my king, and then decided why not just throw his king into the middle of the board as well
@Supersanic : Kudos on #137. Anyone who plays the Caro-Kann as black deserves to be bongclouded (unless they follow it up with 2...Na6, which is actually really fun).

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