
Why are so many players incapable of playing the endgame?

Like in this game of mine. Makes no sense to me. They play solid enough the whole opening / middle game like an actual chess player... Then get to a basic endgame rook & 3 vs rook and 3 all lined up both kings in good spots to support the pawns.... Then they just can't defend what should be defendable. Like no defense at all. I come so many dead drawn dead even endgames that so many people just can't draw.
Dude, the guy is rated 1500. What do you expect? If anything your 500 rating diffrence should give you a bigger advantage before the endgame.
This is clearly a win: See me winning against Stockfish with white :D
Fischer and Carlsen also won many drawn endgames against top grandmasters.
I think this site needs to start either banning people or deleting posts that share games just to shame their opponent. I've seen too much of it lately.

Congratulations, you managed to win against a 1500-rated player only after he/she made a mistake in a drawn endgame under time-pressure. Why not spend the time offering some help/advice to them rather than share your awful game on this forum while trying to insult their skills?
Maybe the question should be: Why are so many players incapable of playing the early/midgame?
dont be defensive in such endings even though being offensive will not bring much maybe 1 in 25 games will end with a win for either side that too only when there is time trouble
@MeWantCookieMobile There was a 5-second increment, so time pressure couldn't have been that bad. I was not close to flagging them.

@Manchineel That's what I'm saying haha. Valid point. That's what is peculiar about a win like this. There are a lot of players out there who if they had half decent endgame technique they could be much higher rated.

@tpr very true, but I don't think they often win from a position as drawn as this one was. I'd feel confident I could draw either of them or a strong engine from that particular position with either side It's a really really simple position like so...

@mstef0 You are an idiot. It wasn't time pressure as there was a 5-second increment. If there was no increment and they had under a minute I'd give you that point, but they get 5 seconds back on each move. If you have 5-second increments you should not be in time pressure ever unless it's a very complex position. Rook & 3 vs Rook and 3 no passed pawns kings both in okay positions is not the type of position that requires much calculation at all. Neither side has anything to play for. Even after losing the first pawn it's still a dead draw although slightly more tricky. Suppose for argument's sake the admins on this site took your advice. The posting of ANY victory would leave any poster liable to be banned as someones sensitive little feelings may get hurt, and mommy isn't around to kiss the boo-boo better. Go back to your safe space SJW.
@lurarose Although posting a game shouldn't be cause to be banned, but you name calling and demeaning attitude is cause to be banned. Posting of this game is more of an embarrassment to your bad play rather than your opponent's bad endgame.

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