
Why am i such an idiot?

I had a problem too before. I couldn't improve at all and hovered between 1500 and 1600. What I realised was that I often went on autopilot and simply played natural moves, without thinking too deeply about the position. I started looking at grandmaster games (with commentary) and was extremely impressed by how deep their insight into the position was. I started incooperating a bit of their thinking into my own games (although I'm nowhere near their genius), tried to think consciously about what's occuring on the chessboard. With that new way of thinking I climbed from 1516 to 1806 in less than 2 months. I don't know if that helps, that's just my experience.
i hovered at 1550 rapid while doing puzzles and lessons then suddenly i got a cold and played chess more or less allday for about a week and a half and my rating is now at 1700 so i think its either experience which will help or as other people have said learning in new ways rather than just trying to do the same thing until you succeed
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