
Using Lichess Stockfish to improve in blitz

I like to look at my games with Stockfish to see whether I missed something or blundered.
In a thematic tourney today, a 2100+ player make a mistake (Playing f7f5 in Queen's Indian while the Bc8 is already on b7, and d7d5 has been played, leaving e6 very weak, while h7 was weak already in that line) in the opening, and I could profit but I didn't manage to calculate and decide for the best move. I came up with the poor 10.h4??
After the game I looked with Stockfish, and I was better prepared for a possible next game in the future.
And to my big surprise, the next game in the tourney was also against 2100+ and the same opening moves where played and the same mistake was made.
First tourney game :

Right after that :
So you play in a tournament and after your game you pause and analyse and then you resume the tournament? Does not that cost you time= games = points?
What is the purpose of analysing 3+0 games anyway? Both players commit mistake after mistake.
@tpr #2
Costs some time indeed.
I usually prefer to learn and also enjoy the "hidden" beauty of chess. Those hidden gems can be found by analysing games, by oneself, or with others (I used to analyse with a NM in real life), or Stockfish, and by solving or looking at chess studies.
My ambition to win tourneys has lower priority nowadays.

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