
The strongest 1300 rated player ever?

Opponent was an absolute monster (at times). Saw some move orders here that were so punishing that it made me question the potential of lower rated players.

25. e5 was played and it looked dubious at first, but it was a brilliant move. Ignoring this pawn capture would be a huge mistake and I eventually saw that it was a forced capture. fxe5 Qxe5

I had to stop Qe6+ to prevent Rd7 which would have cost me my bishop.

37. Qf4+!! Completely underestimated this queen reposition and thought there goes my h pawn, but my opponent refuted the pawn completely and played Qg4+!! another perfect reposition of the queen.

41. Rg7?? My opponent was setting up for the perfect infiltration but then completely threw their advantage by playing such a passive move (even though they played preparatory moves). At this point alot of the pressure was relieved, but short lived.

43. a6!!!!!!! A move that i underestimated. I merely thought my opponent blundered their pawn but what followed was a gruesome tactic.

48. bxc5? I spent ~10min on this move, at this point I was quite convinced this was another dangerous move that is poisoned somehow, turns out it secured me an equalizing position again.

54. Qa2!! Really a move that strangles my position where the best move that retains an equal position was Be7. I did not see this down on the clock, and thought my opponent was merely retreating. I played 54. ...Qd6 just stopping the one threat of Qd5+ that I saw.

55. Rh7!! One of the two moves that completely punishes my awfully positioned pieces but I thought the position was equal at that time. I was wrong.

I played 55. ...Qg6 hoping I get Rh8+ which seems like a decent position for me after Kc7.

56. Qd5+!!!!!!!!!! A crushing intermezzo attacking move that after played turned Rh8 into a powerhouse. At this point I was too tired, down on the clock and just unable to squeeze even just a comfortable position.

Tell me your thoughts on this game.

nah they arent that amazing.u were completely lost from the beginning
3...Na5? and 4...Qe7? are serious mistakes.
10 e6? instead of the obvious winning move 10 exf6 gives you winning chances, but a series of inaccurate moves lost your advantage.

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