
Sacrificed Queen for 4 Pieces

I played white and I thought the queen sacrifice was very good.
I sacrificed my queen and in exchange got 3 pawns, a bishop, a knight and two rooks.

Please tell me what you think of this game. Thanks!

I don't think you can call that a sac! It puts you say up in material!
Just a quick glance without checking it with a engine: 22.Bf8 followed by 23.Ng5 and Black will be mated quickly. (or 23. Bb4+)

2 Rooks >= Queen , let alone 2 more minor pieces, if anything it's your opponent blundered/you saw a tactic, a sacrifice is when you give up a piece/pawn for a positional advantage/combination.
That's quite a nice combination, but (like the others) I wouldn't consider it a sacrifice.
check the move times, they are better then the game.

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