
Request for Analysis - SIM - Nr. 1

Hi everybody
I welcome your feedback to the following game.
I play with the black pieces:

Specific questions:
til move 21: Where could I provoke some tactical issues and how?
after move 21: Would you give up this kind of game?
Instead of 5...Be7 you could have played the sharper 5...d5.
Instead of 10...d4 you could have played the sharper 10...Bg4.
Instead of 14...h6 you could have played the more active 14...Be6.
16...Bg4 seems weird. If you want the bishop there, then why not on the previous move. Also you allow him Nxb6 and your pawn on d4 is potentially weak.
17...Bxe2: why do you give up your Bishop for a Knight?

Yes, I would have resigned after move 21, except if opponent is weak or is short on time.

I agree with tpr's post.
11: Nxd4 and you have pressure on d3.
21: Ne5 just hangs a piece. The threat is b5 winning a piece. a5 getting an outpost on b4.
25: b6 just shuts in your bishop. Since I assume you wanted to move this pawn to free your rook, place it on the opposite color of your bishop.
Yes, after losing the rook, I would've resigned.
I guess move 21 must have been a miscounting but why did you give up the exchange too? Judging with the opponents play he wasn't very strong so I would have played on. (and you did and got rewarded for it :))
But why did you make draw in the end? Black is easily winning.

Btw, I think I remember some game of a GM vs 2200 where the GM blundered Q for a minor piece and still won, so always play on. ;) (unless you're so disgusted by your position that you REALLY don't want to play on...)

Instead of 5...Be7 you could have played the sharper 5...d5.

Instead of 10...d4 you could have played the sharper 10...Bg4.
???; what if 11.h3, I have to go back again?

Instead of 14...h6 you could have played the more active 14...Be6.

16...Bg4 seems weird. If you want the bishop there, then why not on the previous move. Also you allow him Nxb6 and your pawn on d4 is potentially weak.

17...Bxe2: why do you give up your Bishop for a Knight?

Yes, I would have resigned after move 21, except if opponent is weak or is short on time.
"???; what if 11.h3, I have to go back again?"
Yes 11 h3 Be6. If then 12 Ng5 Bd7. With h3 he weakens his King.
You could also play 10...Be6. If then 11 Ng5 Bd7.
You could also play 10...h6 to follow up with 11...Be6 without being troubled by Ng5.
You could probably even play 10...b5 intending 11...Bb7, though that is sharp and he has some tactics along the long diagonal.
Your 10...d4 however hands him the initiative. You spend one move ...d4, open his diagonal for Bg2, gives up your strong central position c5-d5 and ends up with a possible weak pawn at d4.
@schachimnetz I could be wrong but i think Bg4 is a good move because if white goes h3 this is always good for you because it gives you a target and you dont have to retreat the bishop all the way back(only to f5) where it is still active and it could allow you to later play Qd7 and attack the weak h3 square. If white plays g4 on after you retreat the bishop to f5 this is very good for black as white has weakened his kingside tremendously.

Just my opinion.
Take into consideration that I am not that good at chess.

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