
Newbie here. Please analyze my game!

I'm black. Please explain how I lost a position that pretty much looked like winning. Or was it winning at all? I'm quite confused.
But it seems like allowing the knight on h5 to be captured (which took away an attacker from the kingside and lost a pawn) worsened your position.
I think you played well until move 19. Instead of 19 .. a5, there was a better move for you. The white pawn on e3 is 'backward'. You can attack it by doubling both your rooks on the e-file and white will be tied to the defense of that pawn for the remainder of the game. So 19 .. Re7 followed by Rae8 was a good continuation.
you play well you will go up fast 1600 and more
It was looking like a draw for a time, but since move 34 the mating attack was near. Your king was in a prison in the middle. Not good at all
you had a kind of losing position during the endgame, and the sort-of king walk almost let your opponent mate you quicker.
Nice game, but you need to be more careful about King safety when pieces are still on the board.
Your 7...Qe8 and 8...Nh5 are not efficient and gave white the upper hand. You could have played 7...e5 right away. Play in the centre is often better than a queen move or playing a knight to the rim, especially if the centre is not yet fixed.
Your opponent gave you 3 tactical opportunities. 12...Bxc3 and 13...Qxe3+ would have won material. Same on move 13.
Also 14...Qxe3+ would have won you a pawn.
Apart from these 3 tactical opportunities you were never winning or even equal.
You play way too fast. This was a 10+0 game, but at the end you still have 5 minutes left, i.e. you played as if it were a 5+0 game.
For the decisive first 14 moves you have only spent 1 minute. That should have been 3-5 minutes.You should play the opening slowly and thoughtfully and only speed up towards the endgame when the position becomes more clear.
1 move before the checkmate you should have used a different pawn to move and get your king out of the pawn barricade

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