
My first troll mate on 2200. 0.1 second moves. Very dangerous stalemates everywhere.

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lol if he promotes queen then stalemate but the time was running out and Its draw XD
@Qwertise haha he knew he was going to auto Queen and was trying to remember how to shortcut by holding ctrl for a Rook.
Ok I'll adjust my statement. It's pointless if all you care about in chess is deep theory and boring lines.
It's called being fun, and you can see this by the 20 - 1 ratio. So 20 people found it funny and 1 found it pointless. If you don't like it move onto the next thread, or better still, post something of you own that is more suited to classic book chess.
'Not reigning' isn't mean, rather it's just the example of 'never give up' since opponent is a human, so it's not impossible for them to blunder as to err is human.
Also, doing so (troll checkmate) is mean since it's against the spirit of game.
I didn't expect this from you.
@Akbar2thegreat I didn't expect this comment from you. It's not 'mean' to not resign, I was joking a bit because of what he said. It is however a massive waste of everyone's time, especially in dead position, in casual games. Actually not resigning is pure insulting because you are saying to your opponent you can't finish the game with XYZ. But it's your choice if you want to play on, but it's also my choice to spend the wasted time turning it into something interesting. Losers owe winners thousands of wasted hours of time. Time is precious. So yeah, if you waste time, you are going to get trolled.
I found this mate to be hilarious... maybe just because I'd never seen this one before. And thanks so much to you for sharing, RR, because you just made my day! Keep up being awesome... and don't ever let the bastages keep you down!

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