
Looking for some feedback on this game I played today

If any of you legends could give me some feedback, would be lovely <3 <3. Im playing black and this is the highest rated opponent I've won against.

You played this very well. You also managed your time well. Your opponent made many mistakes and he played way too fast.

Generally speaking, you can learn more from a game you lost than from a win.

The game follows a theoretical line that is not too promising for White until 10.Re1 (a poor version of the King's Indian Attack against the Sicilian). Then Black's Ne8-c7 transfer looks suspicious as it brings no benefit (protecting b5 ? what for ?), but White makes it all worthwhile by opening up the center on dark squares with 13.e5?! instead of keeping it closed and on light squares with 13.d5! (the bishop on g7 being neutralized by the pawn on c3). If Black tries to fight back, 13.d5 Ne5!? 14.Nxe5 Bxe5 (dxe5 15.Be3 and c5 is weak) 15.Bh6 followed by f4 gives White a sizeable advantage. I'm surprised that Stockfish doesn't even notice this improvement for White and/or doesn't criticize Black's earlier moves.

After this missed opportunity on move 13, White makes several mistakes, starting with 20.Bc3? that looses an important pawn for no good reason and 24.Bc3?? (the criminal comes back on the premisses :) ). Black takes advantage of White's direct mistakes and plays calmly with his bishop pair and extra pawns against White's remaining rook.
A tactically sound game by you,just your strategy/planning/manouvering was a bit strange to me (Ne8,Nc7 etc).Just play Rb8,b5 etc put pressure on the queenside.

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