
is this the fastest checkmate by taking something with a pawn

Because all GMs say so, and I made a study on every opening and have it stored in my base. My study included engine use, of course.
Also, I think you should join my Opening Theoreticians team. I'm sure we can have nice theoretical discussions like this.
Carlsen played it on several occasions in long time control. In the past Botvinnik, Bronstein, Euwe, Alekhine played it. Several subtop grandmasters also play the Dutch, not only the Stonewall f5, e6, d5, c6, but also the Leningrad f5, g6, Bg7 and the Classical Dutch f5, e6, d6. It is also an excellent opening against engines: in the closed position that result the engine has no clue what to do.
All correct @tpr but Carlsen only played the Dutch against weak players like Anand or Caruana who "play garbage" to quote #16.
Seriously, this discussion hurts while reading it. :D

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