
I beat someone rated 313 points higher than me!

I'm really proud of this. Because #1 I was black. #2 I don't play the kings-Indian-defence much. And #3 it was a tournament.
I would love to know your thoughts on this game, and any advice on what I could have done better-:)
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I don't know anything about the Kings Indian either, and I am much lower rated so all I could say is, good job! How did you do in the tournamneT?l
You are saying it like being black in a game is bad. there are so many good openings for black so being black in a game isnt bad
#1 Seems like he was playing in a time pressure as his moves were like much fast and the Centipawn Loss is also noticeable. And move 25 was fhe basic turnout of the game. Good Game well played @shadow1414
Well played. I didn't expect the Qxd4 blunder from a 2100 player but time pressure gets us all.
But as an 1700-1800 player, being Black in a game doesn't really affect your winning chances. You're not playing titled players who barely make any mistakes in the opening and seize initiative from move 1.

Great game but you missed forced checkmate multiple times. You were close to checkmating and low on time in a tournament match, yet you went for the two queens. That makes me think you don't really know how to checkmate in those positions with the material you have. Go to the analysis board and look at the forced checkmate sequences that you missed and try to learn how to spot them in a real time game, it'll be really helpful.
Hello ;)

nice game! Congrats on your win!

Some ideas:

7. ...e5 drops a pawn if you don't see the idea of 8. dxe5 8. ...Ng5! or even 8. ...dxe5 and if 9. Nxe5 followed by some night moves, exploiting the pin of white's bishop on b2

I personally don't like the whole 13. ... Qd5/Qh5/Qg4/Qg5 line. Even though I don't see a direct way to attack the black queen, it seems to me the queen would be better off on Qd6/Qe7/Qd7... In the game, she's going for quite a journey

21. ... c6 seems like a mouseslip to me, intending to maybe push c5? c6 just blocks your bishop on his beautiful diagonal

In some point, I would've preffered to avoid the exchange of the dark square bishop, but I don't really see a good way to do that...

All in all, very nice and well played game!

Kind regards :)

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