
Human vs Stockfish 9!!

@Dim89 please stop this bullshit. What are you trying to prove ? That you are as strong as stockfish? Do you think that people are so stupid that they'll believe that?
Yes, all your posts here are total crap. People (and I) told you that no one believes this. If you want people to believe start playing rated games against bots.

I will even give you an example of a really cool guy (not like you). Look at the games of this guy: . This is really believable that he draw a few games against a reasonably strong engine (in engine comparison, the engine is way stronger than GMs).

He does this in a verifiable way and does not shout after each draw: 'look how amazing I am'. But nonetheless people notice that he is amazing.

Everything that people notice about you is some crappy imports of some games. There is no way to verify that this is you and there is no way to verify that the game is against stockfish.

you have already posted a similar topic (2 weeks ago)

although this game is different

i would like you to ask the same question that noobforlife has asked " What are you trying to prove?"

@Dim89 your account seems to have no activity other than forum posts. Where did these games come from ?

i think
Stockfish plays very good game with more depth.
What was the depth the stockfish engine, you played with had ?

i am pretty sure a lot of chess players can defeat a stockfish engine with lesser depth. (I can't anyways). For example. a average computer with stockfish can only provide 4 depth rate or 16 depth rate because cpu heats up too badly.

More over you didin't play this game in lichess. Why ?

If you are trying to make a statement. Play one game against stockfish(lvl8) in this site with higher depth rate with no takebacks. If you can't, then shush.

Feel free to play for 100 days correspondence or more.
Ok,answering the questions:1) @noobforlife the posting of game its only of interest point of view of Human vs engines,if you are not interested or dont belief its your problem , @Breaking-Limits I dont want to prove anything just thought it would be intersting to see Human versus 3000+ engine game,I used 2 Cpu and the Engine configuration was default which is strongest,and yes I played a game vs Level 8 8 months ago and get a draw,I play vs Engines more than 10 years and Level 8 with 2600 elo for me is no interest I seek higher ratings, @nikolajtesla you said this guy played this game in verifable way and I beleive that, but speaking with your own logic this guy also could use external engine!But i beleive that his game was true,also you said that the engine with what I was playing its impossible to verify,well you have all time in world by checking the moves of game and which engine chooses the first line!!PS You will discover that it was Stockfish 9,which I was playing against
why post it here ? you don't play here ? You haven't play even played a single game here.

From your previous posts answers

i found that you play at chess24 website as username "Dim1"
(proof: )
[ you claim to be Dim1 ]
[ No proof whether you are Dim1 nor you play at chess24 ]

why don't you post this at chess24 ?

If you are going to say that chess24 don't have place to put forum posts.

Unless you want to brag how great person you are at chess. [Especially from your previous posts, i can assume.]

No one with right mind would bother to create another account in another site just to put forum posts and discussions.
@Breaking-Limits thank you very much for this information,beleive it or not when playing at chess 24 I always go straight to playing room to play the games and didnt discover the site on full,the reason I found Lichess is because I googled on web for best chess websites with forum discussions and found this site,I will post on Chess 24 site soon as well!Thank you

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