
How to screw up a drawn endgame

I had a drawn rook and pawn endgame but made some dumb moves.

Feel free to share your games that you should've drawn...
I don't know man, it's tough to defend against two connected passed pawns. It's drawn on the paper, but in reality such endgames are lost more often than they should.
Looking at the critical moment in your endgame on move 62. you played Kb6 and it seems the only way to draw is to give a check on h5 but even then you need to make a series of not so obvious moves after.

62. Rh5+ Kf4 63. Rh4+ Kg5 64. Rd4 Kf5 65. a6 Ke5 66. Rd1 d4 67. Kb6 Ke4 68. Re1+ Kd5 69. Kb7 Rd8 70. a7 e5 71. Rc1! d3 72. Rc8 - the idea behind Rc1 (if you promote on move 71 then you'll lose actually).

P.S. I have a study about a Rook vs Rook + rook pawn ending which I lost because I got tricked. It's never a draw unless you can make it a draw :)

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