
Did you know....

Did you know the most difficult piece to move precisely is the QUEEN!
Go to your chess insights & figure it out now!
Though am around 2100+ blitz am having this issue.
I would be so grateful if you share some professional advices regarding this issue.
Thank you very much.
It's quite obvious: the piece having more squares available to play will have higher average centipawn loss.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #3:
> It's quite obvious: the piece having more squares available to play will have higher average centipawn loss.
right now am determined learn about the Queen optimal squares on different circumstances of the position.
Do not blockade with your queen. (the queen is a terrible blockader)
Do not defend a peice with Queen unless its the king.
Queen gain its maximum mobility on central Squares (e4, d4, e5, d5)
Do not give your opponent tempo on your Queen unless it's moving with her own tempo.
Always put your queen on open diagonals which cannot be challenged by opposed inferior peice.

All these tips are from my experience as chess player. So if you know some, please share.
Thanks alot.

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