
Benoni Defense

Here is a classic game between an exceptional attacker and an exceptional defender. result = draw.
@tpr #30 that is an interesting game. However, black can improve here with 17...h5, which gives him the option Rh6. That is very good, if not winning for black.

The Fischer-Kortchnoj game can be considered as the default setup for black and white, the main problem for black here is where to put his Queen.

I do believe that it is better for black to leave his pawn on d7 as long as possible, and to control e5 via Ne7-g6(c6). Black should play Morra like he plays Sicilian Paulsen!

Often white will win back his pawn on d7 but black gets a positional advantage for it, like the bishoppair or control over e5. This is the classic strategy how to handle gambits, accept the gambit pawn and later give it back under good circumstances.

You say, black can err earlier in the game. The same is true for white, isnt it?

Here is a game by Karpov, against Short. Yes, both players make mistakes, especially Shorts 7.a3 is not critical. But it is a good example where black should put his pieces in the Morra.

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