
A beginner draws against a 1500 player. Analyze please.

Looked to exchange throughout and avoid complications. Wanted a simple endgame, got it and got a draw. Don't trust myself enough to push for wins. Thoughts. I'm White, just so people know. I have 4 wins in 107 games on Lichess. Yeah, I'm bad. How's this game?

You played this quite well. The final position is a draw indeed, so you should not regret having taken the perpetual check.
You should have taken 18 exd5 so as to saddle black with an isolated, blockaded weak pawn. That would have openened perspectives of winning the endgame.
Well played. Some of the gameplay was quite simple, but until you are like 1500, many people blunder completely drawn positions. Trust me, I do it too sometimes.

This game was played at a level much higher than your rating shows, @MagnusTalParov
Nicely played, thanks for sharing. Something to keep in mind as you get better is that trading pieces can be good, but choosing which pieces not to trade is important too. Find your opponent's best piece and try to trade it for your worst!

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