
1200 rated player beats 2000 rated player Bullet

Yesterday he beat me (1900 bullet) twenty times in a row. I can confirm he's a great bullet player. Probably 2600 at least. But yes, his rating goes down in blitz where I´'ve seen him blunder his rook and queen in three moves. Rated 965. It's a pity he doesn't get to play titled players, we could see some great exhibitions. But they should be friendly games, he decreases his rating abruptly in rated ones.
What do you think?
Just because he beat you doesn't make him a 2600. You don't understand the HUGE difference between 2000 and a 2600
Really underrated player. There are very few players who can actually double their rating when playing unrated games. 2400+ performance is amazing for a 1200.
By the way, the difference between a 1900 and a 2600 is as HUGE a difference as from 1200 to 1900.
Yesterday, Stockfish beat me (1200 bullet) twenty times in a row. I can confirm it's a great bullet player. Probably 1900 at least.

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