
How Do You Stop Caring About Rating?

@tacotacotaco said in #8:
> I find playing in zen mode useful, and furthermore, turning off the ratings view altogether so I don't even know my rating. Now I play more objective chess instead of thinking "I'm better than this player, I should win" or "This player is amazing, they'll crush me". I've found it freeing.
I recently turned off ratings review also, and am having the same freeing experience. Much more enjoyable, as I'm relying on lichess's rating system solely as a useful tool to match me with opponents at my level.
@Friedrich_Shams said in #32:
> The Author is sitting on a straight "2600" blitz rating. Ironic.
well I haven't reached his lvl , even near. through not that bad rating I think, but yes, Rating Matters I Guess
I guess the point is that if you have fun playing chess (and keep your interest and curiosity for chess on a high level)
you are on a better way to improvement than if you are barely "caring for the rating". Because someone who is curious and interested is better able to concentrate and to find a good move in a given position. Sometimes I play just out of boredom and at other times I am really interested in chess (and that's when I tend to play better).
about poker, it's the famous poker face and I must say that it is beneficial to remove all your positive and negative emotions during the game to just focus on the game. on the contrary, what you say is an error because your emotions can negatively influence decision-making by putting you under stress or overconfidence! Removing your emotions during the game promotes reflection and inner listening and poker players know this very well.

certainly, but I agree that you cannot live without emotions and sport is made of emotions, but you have to save them for before and after the game - or for an achievement.
Rating is not everything, Skill is better than rating! Imagine you’re in a match with a person with a rating of 1,782 and your rating is 1,283 looks like the higher rating person is going to win right? But, if the lower persons rating try there hardest they can beet him!
@Jingheking7 said in #37:
> Rating is not everything, Skill is better than rating! Imagine you’re in a match with a person with a rating of 1,782 and your rating is 1,283 looks like the higher rating person is going to win right? But, if the lower persons rating try there hardest they can beet him!
no it doesn't rating till 1800 can be much of loose for 1200 for sure, if higher then due probability chances are down
@aVague said in #38:
> no it doesn't rating till 1800 can be much of loose for 1200 for sure, if higher then due probability chances are down
I know but still if you focus, and imagine you can do anything! The chances are low but my rating is about 1,400 is Atomic and guess what? I beet a GrandMaster! You just need to focus and believe in yourself!