
Entire History of Women's Chess in Eight Tournaments (Part 1)

How many clicks would the 1988 Olympiad get if it happened in today's time (probably a lot)
@OnTheQueenside said in #4:
> The 1937 match was good too!

Exactly ! in case you need a bibliography on Sonja Graf, you can ask me, I've been working on this for almost a year
I have been a fan of Judit Polgar for a while, but I didn't realize how good these other chess masters were. I guess I need to do a lot of reading, looking at diagrams, etc.

Thank you for sharing with us. :). I hope to learn more.
I'm wondering what are going to be the next 4 events:
My guesses:
Judit Polgar finishing 2nd in Wijk aan Zee and/or
beating Garry Kasparov in Russia - World rapid and/or
getting into World's top 10
Hou Yifan winning a GM event in Biel
Valentina Gunina winning a big open in London with 9/10
@ILikeBlitz said in #7:
> I'm wondering what are going to be the next 4 events:
> My guesses:
> Judit Polgar finishing 2nd in Wijk aan Zee and/or
> beating Garry Kasparov in Russia - World rapid and/or
> getting into World's top 10
> Hou Yifan winning a GM event in Biel
> Valentina Gunina winning a big open in London with 9/10

Something like that! :-)