
Doubled pawns: in 14 flavours

@Toadofsky said in #7:
> As our resident comedian... what about tripled pawns? :-)

Plans and sub plans: A composition by B. Bakay

Is there a title? Why should there be only one? Resident comedian. Can't we all partake into the jubilation, and confetti, and cardboard trumpets?

The compositions seem to me to be better teaching tools than real games. As they allow some concentration of thematic purpose in the teaching/learning. Sure, some might still see that as a performance platform. But here there is no real game won. Just concentrated study of the board logic in all directions. It was a delight, and 2 or more years later, it might still me one. The 4tuple might give us some hands-on sense of the forward mobility difficulty.

It is not an opening problem, though. But it does isolate the down to board logic. Which I appreciated also of the blog here. I wish though that the top pic, would have been made larger, or that there was a way on Lichess to make matrices of miniboards as authors, easily and with dimensional control.

Something like Lichess opening page (beta). But in blog, with more control on the size and the number of tiles on can see at one glance. Like on the blog, I have to zoom. It could have had the textual classification SAN hints as captions for each.

Could Lichess provide a blog template for that? Markdown tables need figuring out. Maybe if Lichess could provide templates to blog authors that don't know about it, or for whom, coding is not a cup of tea, we would see more parallel at a glance type of material?
This is one of the most useful blog posts I've seen here. Thank you very much!
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