
Objectivity - the key ingredient for your growth

This was the most long-winded and fake-deep way to say "don't be unrealistic".
I went through the images wisdom punches. And they are all inspiring. I just wonder how to define objectivity. Is is a static thing? How do we know or realize that we are being objective, while it seems to me that we are prisoners of your own subjectivity, be it having had many encounters with reality throughout life, this would be only one trajectory in a potentially diverse world.

I guess that is why in french there is a saying: "Les voyages forment la jeunesse". (Which might be synonymous with having structural "time" to do that. ok. winter approaching, light dimming, might have been negative right there, just a caveat injection). Many subjectitivities willing to dialog might be what makes all wheels of science to get going at various time scales.

I fear unware subjectivity under objectivity presentation. It may be more objective to accept our obligatory subjectivities but with promise then to be able with many heads to generate some more objective subjective conventions, dialog, debates, discussions, arguments (various degrees of logic pressure applied).

Not all phenomena from the sensory world are providing all their inner complexity as factors with data and facts that can be shared from one source to all, once and for all. Some scaffolds have to be proposed, and remembered as subjectively generated (it would be bad that such scaffold, once written be misinterpreted for generations after its differently intended communication purpose).

I do think that objectivity is more a goal that an instantaneous status. The means to get there, might be dynamical, and about being aware and on lookout for own subjectivity potential. This is not a battle but a dialog. So. Thanks for the inspiration. It is one thing to just think it for oneself, it is added value to hear others sharing it to many. I just added my sauce to it. Also thanks for the pictures with parallelism with the more dense text layout. It bring out the gist, or I took it like that.
Just half way through the article and without throwing flowers, I just say that it is absolutely brilliant. One of the best articles, I have red in 2023. Great choice of citations.

Objectivity matters in chess, at work and in life.
Every game and especially every tournament your performance will clash with your opponents.

You can only prepare for the game the best you can. It your opponent that decide (together with you but still) what the result will be.
Thanks for sharing, comes at the right time :)