
Record Live Games & Upload them to Lichess with ChessCam

Only 9 stars on GitHub?! This project is awesome!
This is great! Can you legally use this in tournaments? Do you have to work out special permissions typically with the TDs?
The loading is super long though... (on my device at least) I keep getting stuck around 75 percent.
This is fantastic, have not tried it yet. I hope to try it. Yes, it is exactly what we need
@Jisu101 said in #6:
> The loading is super long though... (on my device at least) I keep getting stuck around 75 percent.

The first load is slow because the models are heavy (>100 MB), subsequent loads after that should be much faster as the browser will cache the results.

With some clever engineering I hope to make the models more lightweight.

@Chessdad1979 said in #4:
> This is great! Can you legally use this in tournaments? Do you have to work out special permissions typically with the TDs?

Streamers like Dina Belenkaya and Anna Cramling have cameras set up at the board during tournaments, and of course big events like the Champions Chess Tour allow filming. I believe you are correct in that you need special permission from the TD, but it should certainly be possible if you ask!
Thank you! I'm really excited to try this and am going to check with my club directors and see what they think!

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