
Tell me the elo!

@sophiejs said in #10:
> B(2100) C(2700) A(3300) . tell me if its correct . im just guessing
Ha ha.
Should've posted the solution with a time delay after posing the problem.

I thought Clue 2 was enough to figure that B was the lowest ranked. In fact from Clue 2 we can infer everything already (stronger plays faster at 1+0 and keeps more time throughout the whole game).

Turns out Clue 3 (proportion of top-1 moves played) alone is also enough to conclude on the rankings.

Personally I concluded C was strongest from Clue1 before reading that some clue was mislabeled and then from the rest I reckoned that A>C>B, but didn't feel like cross-checking everything. I also thought rankings would be 1500/1800/2100 and not this high.

If you squint at Clue 5 you can observe that B misses a lot of checkmates, whereas A misses almost none, and maybe you can conclude the ratings from that.
Clue 4 is weird (wrong/misleading?) - it's hard to reconcile "A misses mate 27 times to B's 36 times" (seems close enough / small differences) with Clue 5 - where if you count the bar chart A does seem to miss 27 times, but B seems to miss at least 80 times. Maybe Clue 4 has percentages and not absolute counts as the legend implies ?
I just took the Graph for the speed per move and the Chart how often the player played the best moves.
Both showed the same result.

A was faster than C and C was faster than B
A played the best moves most often after that followed by C and then by B

So A better C better B.
Wow, I was right both in the labelling error and in the order of the players, but


[I would have never guessed B was a 2100, this is insane, I didn't know I was that bad (if I can be considered a 2100 bullet).]