
En Croissant: The Ultimate Chess Toolkit

@codycodes1234 said in #59:
> Would you be able to have multiple available and board themes for the boards?

Yes, that's planned for a future release.
Been playing around with this for most of today. I'm very impressed! It feels intuitive to use, and I'm excited to see where it goes. Are we free to leave feature suggestions on GitHub? There are some things I would love, like being able to import a PGN on my computer into a tournament I have created in the app.
Problem solved. Thanks.

I was expecting so much for it to ask for my password that I was writing the password in place of writing the username!
<Comment deleted by user>
Can anybody using Apple devices see the chessboards? I have downloaded the app, and everything except the chessboards are visible. There are just blank spaces where the chessboards are supposed to be.
@FrankWillow Not able to see variations in imported PGN database. Please note. Thank you! Fantastic tool. Much needed app. Chessbase is such a buggy and sloppy software.
@jamskahler said in #8:
> This is not working on my machine. I have downloaded twice and installed twice only to have the program freeze on start each time.
For whatever reason on windows 10 the firewall keeps blocking me from downloading it
It's a great work but I don't see what it brings new to the toolbox of the player
One feature that would be tremendous would be something to visualize the trees of décisions we made in similar position and to help remember / understand the best moves. I respect your work being a developer myself. I think it's more a POC