
Carlsen number for every Lichess user

@freopen said in #44:
> I don't see an easy way to match OTB players and lichess logins so it's hard to implement. But the idea is interesting!
Well I was talking generally not specifically to you though!

Also who is the user with maximum degrees of separation from Carlsen if you can tell as I am interested in that?
This is a great idea! Unfortunately, wins against accounts closed for cheating are still considered even though there was probably cheating involved there.
@freopen said in #44:
> I don't see an easy way to match OTB players and lichess logins so it's hard to implement. But the idea is interesting!

Good point
It is a very interesting idea. I only noticed one problem that it does not tell you if you beat magnus directly.
I would like to see something like this for Morphy numbers. I would also like to see bots removed from the links; I like having a person for each and every link in the chain.

I know how to calculate by hand my Morphy number using only 1-on-1 games with a either an extant game score or games which can be verified as played in official tournament records: The lead player who played everyone at my old chess club played Walter Browne, a prolific player who played several links to Savielly Tartakower, such as Paul Keres and world champion Vasily Smyslov.

From Tartakower, there are two links, depending on how much evidence we need for a game actually played. There’s Tartakower > Mortimer > Morphy, but we don’t have a game score for any of Mortimer’s supposed games against Morphy, so I consider that link dubious.

A more solid link is Tartakower > Blackburne > Bird > Morphy, because there’s a game score for each of those links.

So, the link from me to Morphy: Myself > Local chess club lead player > Browne > Keres > Tartakower > Blackburne > Bird > Morphy which is a Morphy number of 7.